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Get Involved!

AST has many oppourtunites for students and the general WashU community to get involved. If you are a student looking to act in or produce a show with AST, check out the current productions page or DM us on Instagram. If you are looking to attend a AST show, tickets will be on sale starting 2-3 weeks before our shows open, and the link to purchase tickets will be locates on the instagram, and the Home or Current Production page of this website. If you want to support us, but cannot attend a show in person, consider donating to AST's gift account. These donations let us continue producing high quality plays, musicals, and interactive theatre experiences.  

Want to donate to AST?

If you aren't able to attend an AST show, but still want to support us, no problem! You can donate to AST directly through the WashU Make A Gift page. 

Follow these steps to make a tax deductible donation to AST that we will use to support and improve our productions. 


1. Go to the WashU Make A Gift page.


2. Under "I prefer to enter my own designation (specify below)" enter that you would like the donation to go to "All Student Theatre"


3. If you want your donation to go to a specific area of the show, write this in the same box. For example, you could specify the donation goes directly to props or costumes for a show! We will include a special thank you for donations like this in the program of the production you are supporting.


4. Email us at if you have any questions!

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